eiffel programming造句
- The design of the language is closely connected with the Eiffel programming method.
- He created the Eiffel programming language and the idea of design by contract.
- This user is Dr . Bertrand Meyer editing the page on the Eiffel programming language, which he invented.
- The first major language to provide such support was Eiffel programming language became the first object-oriented language to include intrinsic support for generic classes, combined with the object-oriented notion of inheritance.
- While most examples focus on the " read " aspect of the principle ( i . e ., retrieving a value ), Meyer shows that the " write " implications ( i . e ., modifying a value ) of the principle are harder to deal with in his monthly column on the Eiffel programming language official website.
- It's difficult to see eiffel programming in a sentence. 用eiffel programming造句挺难的
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